Instruments at San Jose
Accompaniment of worship services is provided through many musical mediums. The most commanding of these is our current organ, affectionately known as "the organ that fell from the sky."

This winded/non-winded hybrid instrument consists of a three-manual Allen console, several digital ranks (speakers) and twelve winded (pipe) ranks. The pipes were gifts from the now closed Dunne Music Company warehouse in Orlando, FL. The console was transferred from the non-operational St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in Fleming Island.
In addition to our organ, our worship is supported by a Chickering grand piano and, from time to time, various forms of string, woodwind, brass, and percussion accompaniment.
For the complete story of "The Organ That Fell From The Sky," you may request the book by the same name from either our parish library or the music office found just off the chancel.
San Jose Episcopal Church thanks Bill Peters, Emmett Farris and Lee Nimnicht for their work on the organ committee, as well as the numerous donations made in loving memory of Helen Burnakis, Geraldine Conroy, Elsie S. Hutchinson, Florence and Edward Klein, Edward L. Lanehart, Fairlie Cubbedge Schley, Wanda V. and J. Russell Taylor, Aubrey B. Tucker, Gene Wilson, and Marion and William O. Wren.
A stop list can be found here.