
Wherever you come from and wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we encourage you to deepen your connection to God and community. We would love to have you join us for worship on a Sunday morning. There are welcome brochures available in the church and in our church office with information about San Jose and ways to connect with us.

About San Jose
San Jose is a traditional Episcopal Church focused on the Holy Eucharist and on the best of the Anglican tradition, which welcomes all people and embraces many points of view. Our commitment is to work, worship, and minister in the service of our Lord; and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we intend to live prayerfully and joyfully in each other’s company.

We welcome everyone who wants to join us on any portion of this holy pilgrimage. Above all, know that we are blessed to have you worship with us.

Regular Sunday Worship
Upon entering our church, you will be greeted by an usher who hands you a bulletin. You may take a seat anywhere you like. We use two main books at our main services – the red Book of Common Prayer and the Hymnal 1982, which is either blue or red. The scripture readings are found in your bulletin.

All baptized people are invited to receive communion. You may stand or kneel during those parts of the service that specify standing or kneeling. If you do not wish to receive the bread or wine, but still want a blessing, just cross your arms over your chest at the altar rail to receive a blessing.

Why San Jose?
San Jose is special for one main reason – its people. The San Jose experience embodies the scripture "where two or three are gathered in His name, there I am in the midst of them." We are a faithful community who see Christ in each other and in the world around us. Through worship, work, and play, we truly enjoy each other's company and give and receive unconditional support.

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